C program to find the minimum occurring character in a string using a while loop. | सी प्रोग्राम एक लूप का उपयोग करके स्ट्रिंग में न्यूनतम होने वाले चरित्र को खोजने के लिए।

C program to find the minimum occurring character in a string using a while loop.

C program to find the minimum occurring character in a string using a while loop.

#include <stdio.h> #define MAX 100 #define MAXC 255 int main() { char text[MAX]; int freq[MAXC]; int i = 0, min; int ascii; printf("\n Enter any string: "); gets(text); for(i=0; i


Enter any string: I love string programming The minimum occurring character in the given string is 'I' = 1.

Exercise: 1
C program to find the minimum occurring character in a string.