C program to enter student marks and find percentage and grade using conditional operator

C program to enter student marks and find percentage and grade using conditional operator.

C program to enter student marks and find percentage and grade using conditional operator

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int phy, chem, bio, math, comp; float per; printf("Enter phy subjects marks: "); scanf("%d", &phy); printf("Enter chem subjects marks: "); scanf("%d", &chem); printf("Enter bio subjects marks: "); scanf("%d", &bio); printf("Enter math subjects marks: "); scanf("%d", &math); printf("Enter comp subjects marks: "); scanf("%d", &comp); per = (phy + chem + bio + math + comp) / 5.0; printf("Percentage of marks = %.2f\n", per); (per >= 90)? printf("Grade A"): (per >= 80)? printf("Grade B"): (per >= 70)? printf("Grade C"): (per >= 60)? printf("Grade D"): (per >= 40)? printf("Grade E"): printf("Grade F"); return 0; }

Enter phy subjects marks: 89 Enter chem subjects marks: 96 Enter bio subjects marks: 57 Enter math subjects marks: 48 Enter comp subjects marks: 75 Percentage of marks = 73.00 Grade C