C program to compare two string using strcmp() function.

C program to compare two string using strcmp() function.

C program to compare two string using strcmp() function.

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX 100 int main() { char text1[MAX], text2[MAX]; int result; printf("Enter first string: "); gets(text1); printf("Enter second string: "); gets(text2); result = strcmp(text1, text2); if(result == 0) { printf("\n Both strings are equal."); } else if(result == -1) { printf("\n First string is lexicographically smaller than second."); } else { printf("\n First string is lexicographically greater than second."); } return 0; }

Enter first string: language Enter second string: language Both strings are equal. Enter first string: Language Enter second string: language First string is lexicographically smaller than second. Enter first string: language Enter second string: Language First string is lexicographically greater than second.

Exercise: 1
C program to compare two strings.