Java Program to find maximum between three numbers using ladder if...else...if.

Java Program to find maximum between three numbers using ladder if...else...if.

Java Tutorial Java Exercises Data Structures

Java Program to find maximum between three numbers using ladder if...else...if.

/** * Java Program to find maximum between three numbers using ladder if...else...if. */ import java.util.Scanner; class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { int x, y, z,max=0; Scanner p=new Scanner(; /* Input three numbers from user */ System.out.print("Enter x value:"); x=p.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter y value:"); y=p.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter y value:"); z=p.nextInt(); if((x > y) && (x > z)) { /* If x > y and x > z */ max = x; } else if(y > z) { /* If x is not > y and y > z */ max = y; } else { /* If x is not > y and y is also not > z */ max = z; } /* Print maximum number */ System.out.println("Maximum among all three numbers = "+max); } }


Enter x value:50 Enter y value:80 Enter y value:20 Maximum among all three numbers = 80