C #ifndef


In the C Programming Language, the #ifndef directive allows for conditional compilation. The preprocessor determines if the provided macro does not exist before including the subsequent code in the compilation process.

The #ifndef preprocessor directive checks if macro is not defined by #define. If yes, it executes the code otherwise #else code is executed, if present.


#ifndef MACRO  

Syntax with #else:

#ifndef MACRO  
//successful code  
//else code  


The #ifndef directive must be closed by an #endif directive.

C #ifndef example

Let's see a simple example to use #ifndef preprocessor directive.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#define INPUT  
void main() {  
int a=0;  
#ifndef INPUT  
printf("Enter a:");  
scanf("%d", &a);  
printf("Value of a: %d\n", a);  


Enter a:5

Value of a: 5

But, if you don't define INPUT, it will execute the code of #ifndef.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main() {  
int a=0;  
#ifndef INPUT  
printf("Enter a:");  
scanf("%d", &a);  
printf("Value of a: %d\n", a);  


Value of a: 2


The following example shows how to use the #ifndef directive in the C language:

/* Example using #ifndef directive by C programming */

#include <stdio.h>

#define YEARS_OLD 15
#ifndef YEARS_OLD
#define YEARS_OLD 10

int main()
   printf("C programming is over %d years old.\n", YEARS_OLD);

   return 0;

In this example, if the macro YEARS_OLD is not defined before the #ifndef directive is encountered, it will be defined with a value of 10.

Here is the output of the executable program:

C programming is over 15 years old.

If you remove the line #define YEARS_OLD 15, you will see the following output from the executable program:

C programming is over 10 years old.
